When the Sh*ts hitting the Fan! Who do you follow?
by Jody Padar
Published on August 26, 2019
My Mom’s been sick for a while now. Most of the Summer. It’s that awful C word. Cancer! You know the one. And this past weekend, we had a most terrifying experience. My Mom came very close to dying. With a low immune system and a blood infection, she was just about in Septic Shock. Now, it’s still really raw for me and we have a long road ahead? But all I could see was leadership exemplified by the most underpaid, maybe under-appreciated, worker on her care team.
I’ve spent the last few nights in my Mom’s room. I’ve been watching her body fail her.
I want to tell you about Krystal. Krystal is a nurse?s aid on the night shift. Krystal’s job is to change bedpans and take vitals. However, in the Oncology unit where my Mom is the patients are all really Sick. I mean really sick. Especially, last night her unit was filled with incontinent patients. My Mom and her bed had to be completely changed at least seven times. Krystal came in every time laughing and making jokes and made my Mom laugh. She was able to read the situation and respond in her own special way. She removed my Mom’s embarrassment like a Pro and lead my mom through one of the most horrific weekends of her life. She used humor and poop jokes to neutralize a really sh*tty situation. No pun intended. My Mom and I seriously never laughed so hard. Every time she came to fix her bed she challenged herself to make my Mom’s bed better so she would have less to clean up. My mom stepped up to challenge and beat Krystal’s best efforts? Until the last event of the night/morning. Where Krystal didn’t have to change the whole bed. Krystal, my Mom and I celebrated. Then Krystal thanked my Mom for giving her a real challenge to do her job better and an additional thank you for ending her shift on a great bed change. Krystal’s pager went off and she was off to change another bed. She told us last night was really a busy bed changing night. Krystal rose to her challenge and lead her patients thru effortlessly.
Most of us think leadership comes from the top down. Krystal is the perfect example of knowing how to lead from whatever your position. Her leadership makes for a customer experience. My mom’s complete care team has done a good job. Yet, when I will look back at this situation in years to come. Who will I remember most? Probably Krystal. She had the most direct impact on our emotional state during a most difficult time. She made us laugh. The doctors and nurses all worked hard as a team to save and help my mom get better. All of them have been professional. But Krystal lead with emotional impact from the worst spot possible. Thank you Krystal!
I would follow Krystal and her bedpans any day! Who is your hidden Krystal on your team? Don’t discount the influence they have on your organization. How have you recognized them lately?
#radicalcpa #leadership #healthcare #influence #cancer